Naseeb Mahato

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

The Four Magical latters (LOVE) By Naseeb Mahato

L-O-V-E These four magical letters As I hear it Something triggers, sets off sparks and rocks In me, in you, in everyone An unexpected, unconditional warmth Lights up your heart Face lit up, cheeks blushing red Desirable feeling comes from God knows where. I have never known love If love is a chocolate I will but the whole factory Eat every piece of it, Till the day I die. If love is alcohol Let me get drunk Empty the every bottle on earth And live, staggering and tumbling on love. If love is a flame Let me set earth on fire All of us glowing in it, With energy from millions of Love photons. If love is a bed Let me sleep my whole life Dreaming….just dreaming If love is a boy Let me have an affair And get a hint about The hardest yet the sweetest –Love If love is a red rose Let me plant those in my garden And be surrounded by those For my whole life. If love is a book Let me read, re read and over read it Till I know the whole book by heart. If it is letters, let me write, rewrite and over write throughout my life. But no, neither it’s a chocolate, a bed or a flame, Nor a boy, a book or letters Some say -It’s the feeling, attachment and affection Sharing, likeliness and Unity Of two pure hearts The most amazing, pleasing and soothing sense Like a shower in the middle of June Cool breeze in the evening The beautiful reddish sunset. Really? Do not define love Let me feel it and cherish my life.

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Naseeb Mahato

+977-9807553995 (Nepal)
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